Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin: He Will Do His Job If You Let Him - Report - Page 10
Following LaRouche’s 1984 Presidential campaign and a public claim by Kissinger that LaRouche would be “dealt with” after the election,
William Weld opened a criminal investigation
of LaRouche’s Presidential campaign committees, claiming that the campaign had engaged
in credit card fraud. While there was a barrage
of initial publicity, and companies associated
with LaRouche suffered huge contempt fines
because they refused to turn over to Weld’s office information about their contributors, the
investigation languished over the course of two
years and two grand juries.
While the criminal investigation stalled,
numerous classified counterintelligence investigations were launched, under Executive
Order 12333, justifying surveillance prohibited by the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, infiltration, and classified counterintelligence “neutralization” tactics. These covert
operations were used to create an otherwise
non-existent criminal case. FOIA documents
released over the years revealed a number of
such classified operations based on fabricated
assertions by government agents. Many of
these operations remain classified to this day.
In 1992 and 1993, investigators for LaRouche
confirmed that the Leesburg offices of EIR
and other LaRouche-associated entities were
subject to intense warrantless surveillance
conducted through NSA hubs in Northern Raid on the Leesburg offices associated with Lyndon LaRouche, October 6, 1986.
Virginia’s AT&T offices, and that numerous
black-bag burglaries had been conducted
through the local Sheriff ’s office and Deputy
Donald Moore.
of offices associated with LaRouche in Leesburg and Boston
In March of 1986, two LaRouche Democrats, Mark Fairwere set into motion.
child and Janice Hart, won the Illinois Democratic Primary
There were two plans for the Leesburg raid, one buried in
for Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State. They were
official FBI documents, and the other hidden in secret compart of a slate of over 1,000 LaRouche Democrats who ran
munications. One of the raid’s principals, Donald Moore, told
for office that year. A huge, daily, national media defamation
an FBI informant in 1992 that a plan was in circulation weeks
campaign followed, using the John Train playbook and many
before the assault, to provoke LaRouche’s security guards into
of the Train salon participants. The Boston investigation was
a shooting incident by staging a massive siege and provocarevamped. Mueller, who succeeded William Weld as acting
tion at Ibykus Farm where LaRouche stayed. According to
U.S. Attorney in 1986, after Weld decamped to Washington
Moore, he had provided detailed plans for the eventuality
to head the Bush Justice Department’s Criminal Division,
of entering the farm and killing LaRouche. FBI case agent
brought in John J. E. Markham II to take the lead in the LaRichard Egan corroborated Moore’s account, stating in court
Rouche investigation. During his early legal career, Markham
testimony that his activity under the warrant consisted of a
had been a member of the Process Church of the Final Judgfrantic search for evidence justifying a second search warrant
ment, a satanic cult tied to Charles Manson. Plans for a search
for Ibykus Farm and an arrest warrant for LaRouche.
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Special Investigative Report