Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin: He Will Do His Job If You Let Him - Report - Page 13
Manual Noriega was known in the CIA and DEA as a
steadfast drug fighter, and DEA and CIA agents testified
to that fact at his trial. To overcome this problem, Mueller dealt Latin America’s most notorious drug gangs with
“get out of jail free” cards as bribes, if they would say that
Noriega dealt drugs. According to reporter Glenn Garvin,
Mueller plea bargained down a potential 1,435 years in
prison for the lying narcotrafficker criminals testifying for
him, to 81 years. These deals and bribes included a $1.25
million bribe to members of the Cali Cartel (whose leaders Noriega had jailed) and a deal with self-avowed Hitler
worshiper Carlos Lehder Rivas, leader of the Medellin Cartel. Once again, charges of prosecutorial misconduct flowed
daily from Noriega’s defense and appellate legal teams, but
the media operations accompanying the prosecutions had
turned Noriega into a devil whose claims did not deserve
to be heard.
Having done the assignment on Noriega, Mueller ascended to head the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. Here he successfully covered up the drug, weapons,
and terrorism activities of two banks, BCCI and BNL.
BCCI was the Anglo-American intelligence community’s
chosen vehicle to fund terrorism, launder drug money,
and fund dark intelligence activities in Afghanistan, Central America, and throughout the Middle East. The highest levels of the British and European oligarchies were directly implicated in BCCI’s activities. Both banks escaped
with plea bargains and fines, protecting dirty state secrets
on several continents from public disclosure. Mueller left
the Justice Department in 1993 for private practice, a stint
in Washington D.C.’s Homicide Division, and then a stint
as U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California in
San Francisco.
Based on family services rendered, President George W.
Bush returned Mueller to Main Justice as acting Deputy
Attorney General in the early days of his Administration,
before appointing him, in July of 2001, to head the FBI. He
assumed that office on Sept. 4, 2001, only days before Sept.
11. As we shall see, he played a commanding role of covering up for the perpetrators of the murder of nearly 3,000
Americans on that date, while overseeing the creation of
the police state measures which followed that attack.
The Cover-up of 9/11
Aggressive Deception of the
American People Concerning 9/11
There is a picture formerly available from
the Bush Presidential Library which shows
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia’s U.S. Ambassador, on the White House
balcony two days after September 11, 2001.
The men are smoking cigars. Reporters inquiring about the photo more recently have
been told it is no longer available from the
Bush Library. Maybe the picture in this
case says more than a thousand words ever
could. Again, two days after almost 3,000
Americans were murdered by 19 hijackers,
15 of whom were Saudis, the Saudi Ambassador yucks it up with the President, Dick
Cheney, and the National Security Adviser
on the White House balcony.
White House
Saudi Prince Bandar at the White House two days after the 9/11 attacks. From left, Dick
Cheney, Prince Bandar, Condoleeza Rice, and President George W. Bush, Sept. 13, 2001.
Bob Mueller is an Amoral Legal Assassin
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