Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin: He Will Do His Job If You Let Him - Report - Page 2
Robert Mueller Is an
Amoral Legal Assassin:
He Will Do His Job If You Let Him
by Barbara Boyd
September 23, 2017
Robert Swan Mueller III—the
In recent weeks, organizers for the
special prosecutor tasked to take
LaRouche movement have been redown the President of the Unitpeatedly told by citizens they meet:
ed States—is, as his name attests,
“It looks like President Trump is
a product of elite private schools
getting the ‘LaRouche treatment.’ ”
and universities. He is uniformly
The two men could not be more
and soberly praised in the nadifferent in station, or cultural and
tional news media as incorruptintellectual achievement. LaRouche
ible, fair-minded “honest Bob,”
is a world-historical genius in the
“strait-laced Bobby three sticks.”
mold of Gottfried Leibniz. But, both
This image, we shall show, is a
men touched what has amounted to
brazenly false, Washington, D.C.
the third rail of American politics
public relations pitch, created for
after Franklin Roosevelt’s death.
the credulous.
They threatened the post-War AnIn reality, Robert Swan
glo-American British imperial sysMueller III is about as corrupt
tem. LaRouche did so directly, conas they come, bending and
tinuously, and explicitly by name.
twisting the law every which
Trump has done so implicitly, by
way when necessary to serve
rejecting perpetual war, seeking
Robert Swan Mueller III
the goals of those who provide
better relations with Russia, callhim assignments. The might
ing for imposition of Glass-Steagall
of the prosecutorial function
banking separation, endorsing what
and the institutions he serves dictate what is right for
he refers to as the American System of political economy, and
him, rather than the unbiased pursuit of justice the law
promising massive infrastructure development and a modern
envisions for his vocation.
manufacturing platform for productive jobs.
In what he says was a defining moment, Mueller broke
In both cases, as we shall see, the British explicitly derank, after college, to serve in the Vietnam War as a Marine.
manded scalps, based on a perceived threat to them, most
After that he never wanted to do anything but prosecute. His
specifically located in the desire for a collaborative relationappointment as special prosecutor caps a long career in which
ship with Russia and an end to the “unipolar” framework of
he has envisioned himself to be a stern and willing warrior, a
relationships between nations. In both cases, a controlled
dutiful Marine, acting on behalf of whatever evil scheme his
media unleashed an incessant barrage of ugly, salacious,
superiors present to him, and using whatever means seems
and defamatory coverage, day-in and day-out, to create the
necessary to execute it.
popular conditions for a criminal prosecution. While there
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Special Investigative Report